
En El Piñal (Foto Fraiban R.)

Cerca de siete horas después fue rescatado hombre que cayo en excavación.

The shoring group placed several sheets of plywood around the lip of the excavation to provide edge protection.

Fueron colocadas varias laminas de madera para prevenir nuevos derrumbes donde se hacia el rescate de la victima.
The excavation was in the driveway of a duplex under construction located at the end of a cul-de-sac in a residential neighborhood. This location made it very difficult to operate due to the limited space. In addition, the backhoe was still in place and could not be moved due to concerns of secondary collapse.
Diagrama del lugar donde se encontraba la victima atrapada.
Due to temperatures reaching nearly 110 degrees F during the incident, personnel conformed to strict rotation and rehab cycles.
Debido a las altas temperaturas de 110ª F fue necesario varias beses rotar al personal ya que la victima estaba a 25 metros de profundidad 
Several rescuers descended into the pit in rotations to attempt to free the victim. But each time progress was made, the man attempted to aid in his rescue, which resulted in him becoming buried again.
Varios intentos se hicieron de rescatar a la victima, pero esta en su afán de salir se hundía mas en el concreto de la construcción.
Success finally came when a member of the County Trench and Confined Space Rescue Training Cadre was set up so that he could invert, if necessary, into a position with his head down, suspended by his feet. He was initially lowered into the excavation feet first, then inverted to free the victim's feet.
El rescatista desciende hasta el fondo del foso, donde con la cabeza hacia abajo, logra el rescate de la victima que estaba atrapado por sus pies.
After a few minutes of working inverted, the rescuer was able to completely free the victim from the rings. He then righted himself and used a pick-off strap on the victim. The rescue was completed approximately 7 hours after the incident began.

Después de trabajar el rescatista durante varios minutos en posición invertida, logro el rescate de la victima. 

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